Temporary Relocation

The County Clerk, Assessor, and Treasurer's offices have been temporarily relocated to 1501 Main St. for renovations. The Court Clerk, DA, and Judges' offices have been moved to 1107 Main St.

Woodward County Jail

Woodward County Jail

Visitation Policy

Social or Family Visits
Visitation of the offender population will be allowed for all offenders who are not on lockdown status or currently sanctioned otherwise. All visitations will be logged in the ODIS system by staff.

Offenders are allowed one visit per week from any approved visitor on the approved visitor list.

Visitation will be from 9 a.m. hours until 5 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. The last visit of the day will be logged in at 4:30 p.m.


  • Offenders may list up to 10 individuals on their visitor list. Children under the age of 18 do not have to be named on the visitor list. Children under 18 must be immediate family and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian per Oklahoma Jail Standards.
  • Offenders do have the right to refuse visitation but the offender must complete a request to staff to resume visitation with the person they had refused.
  • Staff shall authorize all visitors as long as they provide state-issued identification each time of visitation and warrant check comes back clear each time.
  • Any person visiting having an active warrant will be arrested and the visit terminated.
  • Family and friends will be allowed to visit - but only one visit per offender per week. This includes special visitation for authorized visitors traveling distances to get here.
  • Visitation is limited to 15 minutes via the phone system.
  • Trustees and offenders housed downstairs are allowed the same visit - but the visit will be held through the visit room booth.
  • No physical contact is allowed during visitation.
  • Any instance of sexual misconduct will result in immediate termination of the visit and the visitor will be removed from the approved list. Sexual conduct will be defined as any conduct the staff perceives as sexual in nature.
  • Per state statute, no promissory notes or court paperwork unrelated to an offender’s current incarcerated can be signed or affirmed by an offender during their incarceration.
  • Per state statute, all cell phones and other items of contraband will not be allowed in the visitation area.
  • Visitation may be cancelled or denied by the on-duty or on-call supervisor due to security issues and violations of the dress code.
  • If a visit is denied for any reason, the officer / jailer denying the visit will complete an incident report in regard to why the visit was cancelled.
  • If a visit is denied because an offender has already received their one weekly visit, an incident report is not required but will be logged in ODIS by the staff.