Temporary Relocation

The County Clerk, Assessor, and Treasurer's offices have been temporarily moved to 1501 Main St. for renovations. Court Clerk, DA, Judges' offices, and Election Board have been moved to 1107 Main St.

County Treasurer

Woodward County Treasurer

Kim Bowers
County Treasurer
Political Party
March 1, 2019
In office since
Kim Bowers
Kim Bowers
County Treasurer
Jennifer Wheeler
1st Deputy
Political Party
In office since
Jennifer Wheeler
Jennifer Wheeler
1st Deputy
Candace Evans
Candace Evans
Candace Evans
Brandy Brouwers
Brandy Brouwers
Brandy Brouwers

  • Accepts all deposits under guidelines set out in Oklahoma statutes
  • Collects and apportions all ad valorem taxes for the county and its subdivisions
  • Serves as the financial officer for county government
  • Prepares financial statements and financial records for review by state and county officials
  • Enforces the collection of delinquent taxes through tax sales
  • Undergoes at least two audits annually by the State Auditor and Inspector

Duties & Responsibilities

The County Treasurer serves as the chief financial officer for the county and administers all county monies. All the revenues received by the county from ad valorem taxes and other sources are deposited with the County Treasurer who makes deposits and maintains records of all deposits. Daily deposits are made into interest bearing accounts in banks designated by the Board of County Commissioners as county depositories. All monies received by the County Treasurer are recorded in the Treasurer's General Ledger and credited to the proper fund. A corresponding set of books is maintained by the County Clerk.

The County Treasurer also redeems county warrants, makes prudent investments of county money, issues receipts, and collects fees for various activities in that office. By law, the County Treasurer exercises the power to collect ad valorem taxes for the county and its political subdivisions (such as schools, cities and towns, and Special assessment districts).

The Office of the State Auditor and Inspector prescribes all the forms used by the County Treasurer, and at least twice a year inspects the County Treasurer's accounts. The County Treasurer may be custodian of school district funds when a board of education does not choose to appoint its own treasurer. In addition, the County Treasurer may serve as the treasurer for any incorporated city or town (with a population 5,000 or less) within the county.


The County Treasurer works from the tax roll prepared by the County Assessor. The County Treasurer is also empowered to issue delinquent personal property tax warrants, to Supervise the sale of a tax lien on real property for delinquent taxes, and to sell property for delinquent taxes. To account for county revenues and expenditures, the County Treasurer is required to maintain an accurate record of all the monies received and disbursed, and to prepare daily and monthly reports and quarterly financial statements for review by both state and county officials.

To view a complete listing of tax information, information for other counties, calculate mortgage taxes, and to pay taxes online, please visit our Web Application.

Some content may be extracted from OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet AGEC-802 and/or the County Training Program website. More complete information is available from these sources.