Temporary Relocation

The County Clerk, Assessor, and Treasurer's offices have been temporarily moved to 1501 Main St. for renovations. Court Clerk, DA, Judges' offices, and Election Board have been moved to 1107 Main St.

District Attorney

Office of the District Attorney Woodward, Alfalfa, Dewey, Major, and Woods Counties

Christopher Boring
District Attorney
Christopher Boring
Christopher Boring
District Attorney
Ashley McDermott
Assistant District Attorney
Ashley McDermott
Ashley McDermott
Assistant District Attorney
Susan K. Meinders
Assistant District Attorney
Susan K. Meinders
Susan K. Meinders
Assistant District Attorney

What We Do:

  • Assist victims through the criminal process
  • Collect restitution for victims of crimes
  • Ethically prosecute criminal offenses committed in Woodward County

We Do Not:

  • Provide legal advice
  • Handle civil cases

The information on this site does not constitute legal advice. For legal advise contact a private attorney.

Some content may be extracted from OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet AGEC-802 and/or the County Training Program website. More complete information is available from these sources.