Temporary Relocation

The County Clerk, Assessor, and Treasurer's offices have been temporarily relocated to 1501 Main St. for renovations. The Court Clerk, DA, and Judges' offices have been moved to 1107 Main St.

District Attorney

Office of the District Attorney Woodward, Alfalfa, Dewey, Major, and Woods Counties

Victims Services

Victims Services

The District Attorney's office provides assistance to victims in criminal cases. The staff of the District Attorney's office is committed to providing services to victims prevent any additional stress which can sometimes occur in the complicated criminal justice system and to inform victims of their rights.

What We Do:

  • Provide general information about the criminal justice system
  • Maintain a system of notification to keep victims updated on their cases and advised of the final disposition
  • Assist with determining restitution
  • Assist with the return of property being held for evidence
  • Accompany victims to court when requested
  • Provide referrals to outside agencies, such as social services and community services
  • Assist with crime victims' Compensation Applications
We Do Not:
  • Provide legal advice
  • Provide financial assistance
  • Maintain a 24-hour crisis line
  • Provide professional counseling
The information on this site does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice contact a private attorney.

Contact Us
Erin Wise
Victim Witness Coordinator

Victims Services
1600 Main Street, Suite 5
Woodward, OK 73801

Phone: 580-256-8616
Fax: 580-256-3959

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Quick Links:
Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation


How do I file for Victims Compensation?
To file for Victims Compensation call 800-745-6098 or the Woodward County District Attorney's Office at 580-256-8616.

How do I make a claim for restitution?
Please contact the District Attorney's office to request a restitution recovery form. For follow up questions, call us at 580-256-8616.